4 Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing Strategy

Video is one of the most popular and engaging forms of media. Because of this, it makes sense that many businesses incorporate video into their marketing strategies!


Some people think that only the big, “household name” companies can afford to use a professional video production company. But businesses of all sizes in the Hagerstown area can benefit from the persuasive nature of film – and it may be more cost-effective than you think. Here are four examples of how you can start using video to advertise your business, no matter what industry you’re in!


1.      Social Media Posts

Social media is probably where most videos you make will end up. Social media users love engaging with and sharing videos. These videos can channel traffic to your website. Some of these visitors may quickly click away, but others will stay to learn more about your business. Many of them will make purchases, and some may even become your loyal customers for years to come.


2.      Commercials for Television and Web

Commercials are one of the classic ways to use videos as a way of marketing your business. There’s a reason that political candidates at every level of office spend millions of dollars leading up to every election. Commercials stick with people. Even now, you can probably remember your favorite commercials that haven’t aired in years.


Commercials can be for television, the internet, or both! This is an effective form of visual advertising, and it can be as straightforward or creative as you want. It can incorporate your employees, customers, or actors. Sprinkle in some background music, eye-catching visuals, and a witty script, and you have a winning commercial on your hands!


3.      Video Testimonials from Customers

Customer testimonials are a fantastic way to turn website visitors into customers. But sometimes it can be hard for people to trust the opinions of strangers. Video testimonials tend to be more trustworthy. When one of your website visitors can see and hear from a customer directly, it establishes more trust. And it’s more likely to persuade someone to make a purchase from your business!


4.      Employee Interviews

Filming interviews with employees is great for a variety of reasons! Interview-style videos drum up interest from job-seekers when you have openings. They give people a real look at your business’s company culture. By hearing from your employees directly, people will feel more connected to your company, which could persuade them to apply.


Employee interviews are also great for potential customers and clients. Hearing your employees talk about why they’re passionate about their work could persuade people to invest in your services or products.

Use Next Level Visions for All Your Corporate Video Production Needs!

If you’re looking for any or all of these videos, you should contact Next Level Visions. We are a top video production company working in Hagerstown, Maryland, and the surrounding areas. We make great corporate video accessible! Get in touch with us today to learn more or to get started.


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